Monday, June 14, 2021

Unacknowledged 2016 E-mails to Wally and Kevin Dupuis


Thomas J. Hinze

Wally and Kevin Dupuis Sr. are, respectively:

(1) former and present Band Chairman of the Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa, and 

(2) first cousin and brother of murder victim Trina Langenbrunner.

I will refrain from directly uploading any pictures of the two gentleman, but here is a link: You can also find pictures of either of them by typing his name with the word "images", in a search engine.

It is nearly 2 decades ago that I first became aware that I had witnessed a clue that the St. Louis County Sheriff's investigators said they were looking for in the Trina Langenbrunner murder case: a pair of "size 11 or 12 New Balance shoes".

I had seen a pair of shoes of that size and brand on the feet of my former neighbor, Tom Hinze, pictured above, and I saw them the same week as the murder. As time went on, I became aware that Mr. Hinze met more than one clue that the investigators said they were looking for in the case. In fact he met every clue.

I was taken aback when I informed the investigators of what I had seen, that they refused to investigate anything that I had told them about, or even to DNA-test Mr. Hinze.

Instead, they arrested another person (a member of the Fond du Lac Band), and convicted him solely on the basis of his "confession", with no sworn witness testimony or forensic evidence ever having been presented to a jury. There was no jury trial at all, only the "confession".

This blog has been a record of my actual letters or emails to various officials regarding my testimony and research, with either their actual response to my correspondence, or the fact that they refused to respond, at all.

The blog also relates my recollection of personal meetings with a couple of the Sheriff's investigators back in 2001-2003, and their reaction to my testimony. (They laughed and refused to investigate.)

I also traveled to meet with Trina's mother, her son Kevin Dupuis, and their cousin Wally, sometime late in 2001, at the Fond du Lac Community Center, on the Reservation. I told the family members my testimony, and I also told them the reaction that I had got from the St. Louis County Sheriff's investigators.

I was taken aback when I got the exact same reaction from both Wally and Kevin as I had got from the Sheriff's investigators. They scoffed at me, and weren't at all interested or concerned that the "investigators" refused to DNA-test the person I said met all the clues. (I wasn't aware at the time that Wally and Kevin were active in the Fond du Lac Band Government, or that Wally in fact was a detective for the Cloquet Police Department.)

Trina's mother Margaret Dupuis, however, did come up to me after the meeting, and thanked me for coming and telling them what I had seen.

It was nearly 5 years ago that I wrote emails to Wally and Kevin, regarding my eye-witness testimony in the murder of their cousin / sister. I had told them the basics at the meeting in 2001, but wanted to tell them that I had found much more than that, since.

I was unable to find personal email addresses for either the present or former Band Chairman, so I wrote to them at the Reservation website, with the addresses "ATTN Wally Dupuis please" and "ATTN Kevin Dupuis please".

I got no response from anyone at all, and when I attempted to go back to the website to write a new email to follow up, I got this notice: 


I then emailed a new follow-up query to the website for the Fond du Lac Community Center with the same "ATTN: Kevin Dupuis, please" request that I had used when I first tried to contact them through the reservation's site. 

Again, I got no answer from anyone (though not long after I sent that query to the Community Center, I noticed that I am no longer blocked from accessing the site).

It seems obvious to me that Wally Dupuis who worked as a detective for the Cloquet Police Department SHOULD CERTAINLY be able to give me the address of the "July 6, 2012 Cloquet Arson Fire", if there really was such a fire, at all. But I've waited nearly 5 years now for any response from Wally, and have got none whatsoever.

Therefore, I've decided I've waited long enough to publish these emails, and am doing so now.

I can only think of one reason that the two Dupuis cousins would not be a bit concerned or even outraged that claimed eye-witness testimony regarding the murder of their cousin / sister was shushed and covered up. That reason would be that they were told not to be concerned, and they complied, for whatever their reasons might be. I'd like to hear their reasons. 

Here is a question from the Pine Journal as Wally was running for a post on the Reservation Business Committee, and Wally's answer, in 2016:

Q: Why should tribal members vote for you on Election Day? What makes you a better choice than your opponent?

A: Tribal members should vote for me, Wally Dupuis, because I have never walked away from my duties or the obligations of my job regardless of how much it hurt my heart. ..................... "


Here are the emails, copied and pasted:

ATTN: Kevin Dupuis, please

Jul 25, 2016 at 12:27 PM
Lloyd Wagner <>
Dear Mr. Dupuis:
On June 9, I emailed the below to Wally Dupuis, through this same email address (since I can't seem to find any other personal email address for either him, or you).
I haven't received any reply from Wally in over 6 weeks now, so I thought I would send you the same email.
It applies to you equally, as I distinctly remember speaking with you at the Community Center in 2001, and being sneered at and brushed off, about the same way that Wally brushed me off.
All I have asked is that the guy I saw wearing size 11 or 12 New Balance shoes the week of the murder be DNA-tested. That shouldn't have been too much to ask, but he was NOT DNA-tested. I'm sure you can understand that pisses me off.
If I don't receive any reply from either you or Wally within a reasonable time, I will post this letter on my blog regarding my ignored testimony in Trina's murder and the framing of Joseph Couture in the murder, PLUS the framing of both Joseph and Sandra Couture in a "July 6, 2012 Cloquet arson fire" that never even happened (blog is linked below) -- and I will report that I haven't received any reply from either one of you.
And then I will continue from there.
Thank you, and regards,
Lloyd Wagner
""""Dear Mr. Dupuis:
Well over 12 years ago I called you on the telephone regarding testimony I had about the murder of your niece, Trina Langenbrunner.
Your answer to me that evening was that you didn't know anything about me except what I was telling you, and you kind of rudely cut me off.
I still have that same testimony, and would like to point out that the man who I saw wearing size 11-12 New Balance shoes just 2-3 days before the murder is dead now, so no one can accuse me of "making up information in hopes of a reward", as Sheriff Litman and also Trina's daughter Shelley have accused me of. The man I say did the murder, Tom Hinze, is dead, so he cannot possibly be convicted of the crime, and so there is absolutely no concern about any reward.
Hinze died without EVER being DNA-tested in the case, and Joseph Couture was convicted only on his (forced) confession, without any sworn testimony or physical evidence (DNA) EVER being presented to a jury.
Anyway, I think maybe you can understand that I am damned angry when someone smears me as a liar, but has steadfastly REFUSED to DNA-test Mr. Hinze, to prove me a liar.
I have an admission by email from the Public Defender's office that Litman did not DNA-test the man Tom Hinze who I repeatedly informed him about. I also checked with the head of the forensic team in the case, Mr. Steve Hagenah (presently a Law Enforcement Instructor at Leech Lake Tribal College), and he cannot or will not confirm that Litman sent the forensic team any information at ALL on Hinze ... though Hinze met every one of the criteria the Sheriff's investigators said they were looking for, and even though I repeatedly informed the "investigators" about my information. Just DNA the guy, eh? and be done with it.
I suggest that: 1. Litman didn't want the info from me, and refused to look into the info from me, even though I have repeated it, over many years, 2. Hinze is the white son-of-the-ex-sheriff of Red Lake County, and 3. Litman would rather frame a Native and induce him to "confess", than to DNA-test and honestly prosecute the white son-of-a-sheriff, even though, and I'll say it again, Hinze met EVERY criteria Litman's investigators said they were looking for.
I will link you to my correspondence with the head of the forensic team, here in two links, and if you care, you can read further, from there. There is also a post in the blog quoting the Public Defender, and there are also several posts showing that the "Cloquet arson fire" of July 6, 2012 that two people "confessed to", doesn't even show up in any records of any fire department in either Carlton or St. Louis County. I would guess that means the fire didn't even happen, but was totally concocted. That's how far Litman and his "investigators" are willing to go in the framing of Couture. I've checked with several sources on that fire, including the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, and my correspondence on that matter is also in the blog, if you care.
I think the blog I wrote gives an ample introduction as to who I am, so you don't only have to get your only impression of me from lying Sheriff Litman putting me down as a "liar".
I'll also say that I think [names redacted] and their parents can give good reference as to my honesty. [Name redacted] told me that he went to school with you.
Lloyd Wagner